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RTI Round Up

Real time information (RTI) has had a bumpy start. To read a summary of the major problems and work-arounds discovered so far,  please follow the link below to our monthly tax tips:

Planning for RTI

If you are an employer you should have received information from the Taxman about operating PAYE under Real Time Information (RTI). Employers with fewer than 5001 employees will have to operate RTI from 6 April 2013, and that includes one-man companies. Some employers have already started to use RTI under the pilot program. Individuals who…Read More

RTI video offers employers vision of new PAYE system

HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has just launched a video guide to help introduce employers to new Real Time Information (RTI) procedures. The video looks at what RTI means for employers, the main changes that will be introduced, a timetable and other help and support that is available. To read the full article and watch the…Read More

Real Time Information (RTI)

  A. Real Time Information (RTI) is a new way of submitting PAYE information to the tax office. All employers will have to use RTI by October 2013 (not this year), but some employers are starting to use RTI early in a test phase from April 2012. The aim is to add more employers to the…Read More